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bubbe's apps


American Friends of Hebrew University funds high tech research at the Hebrew University in Israel. They tasked us to come up with a campaign to attract a younger audience to support the work at the Hebrew University

Everyone loves their bubbe, so we created a High-Tech Bubbe character to draw attention to the work at the University.

Introducing Jewish-Americans to the Hebrew University, with a character called, “Bubbe”.

Bubbe got press where donors are.

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Bubbe garnered over 2M views organically.

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Bubbe became shorty comedy awards finalist.

Bubbe helped OBERLAND win AdAge Small Agency (Gold).


If you’re still here, you’re getting your cheek pinched, and some more bubbe.

A higher calling - bubbes explain how the research rock stars at HU develop medical uses of cannabis. Learn more about Hebrew University's groundbreaking work in cannabis research, agriculture, technology, medicine, internet security, and more today at

This campaign was made at OBERLAND. We pitched and won the business in 2016. I was the lead writer on the campaign, co-director, and the creator of the Bubbe character. Fun fact: “Bubbe” is Barbara O’Malley, and she is Irish, not Jewish. Whoops.